Experienced and Certified in Hair Replacement as a My Choice Hair Provider

Our My Choice Hair Franchise Provides Non Surgical Hair Replacement for Medical and Non-Medical related Hair Loss in Men and Women

Advanced Hair Replacement for Men and Women Begins with a Free and Private Hair and Scalp Consultation from Our Experienced and Certified Specialists
- Most advanced hair replacement systems with solutions for an active life: shower, swim, sleep and exercise in our hair replacement systems.
- We help match you with the right system for your unique needs.
- Direct match to your existing hair, hair texture, lifestyle and budget.
- Undetectable and natural look using the newest Skin and Lace bases.
- Treatment for male and female pattern baldness, alopecia, and traction alopecia.
- Maintenance, removal, reinstallation of all hair solutions provided.
- Every solution is completely customized for your individual needs and perfect fit.
- Cancer patient hair prosthesis is most often covered by your health insurance provider.
- Custom made human hair toupees for perfect fit.
- Custom fit Transdermal Hair Pieces attached for very active and athletic lifestyles.
- Human and synthetic stock made hairpieces.
- Hair prosthesis for cancer patients.
- Easy maintenance attached hair pieces that remain attached for 30 days.
- Human and synthetic custom made wigs and hairpieces.
- Hair prosthesis for cancer patients.
- Easy to maintain hair pieces that remain attached for 30 days.
- Human hair extensions including clip in extensions.
- Human Hair Wiglets.
- Human Hair Toppers.
Hair Replacement FAQs
Will I need to shave my head to wear a hair system?
It is usually best if your hair system sits on a shaved surface. This allows the base materials to blend into your scalp for the most natural look. It also provides a perfect fit and comfort. Shaving in the area where the system is applied in your hair of thin density or baldness. With your system attached, no one will see that shaved area.
Will the system's hair color need to be refreshed?
The color of the hair system will fade over time. The frequency of hair color refreshing depends on the color of the hair. Black will rarely fade. A light ash blonde color might need refreshing two to three times a year.
What is the cost of hair replacement systems?
For men, units range from $699 to $5,000 with higher costs associated with a program that includes six units/year with monthly service and reapplication. Women generally purchase a single hair replacement system ranging from $1200 to $1600. This includes the cost of the unit, fitting, cutting, and application.
Can any stylist handle my monthly trims?
If it is not convenient for you to come to our salon, your monthly trims can be managed by any professional stylist. If your system is simply covering the top of your head, your stylist simply pins it up out of the way while giving you your trims.
Integration units are cut like a normal head of hair is cut. If your stylist and you decide to shorten the length of your system, some designs require that they don’t cut any blunt lines in to the perimeter of the hair system. It is best if they cut that area with thinning shears.
What types of hair systems are more versatile?
Systems can be custom or stock hair pieces for men and women, unisex or designed for prosthetic chemo patients. From full cap to partial coverage, wigs, wiglets and top pieces can be ordered with lace front, skin part, see through front and/or front cutaway lace for a very natural hairline.
The type of base used determines the versatility of a system. A mesh type system on a shaved area is omni-directional and very natural looking. Integration systems are less versatile because hairs are tied on to a grid and most require that you decide on a definite area for your part.
A variety of caps and bases offer flexible methods of attachment that can include tape, clips, weave, microlinks or bonding. Cut away lace front can be attached to many systems for a natural look. The best type of system and method of attachment will depend on your unique requirements and budget, During your free consultation, we evaluate your type of hair loss and coverage needs. We assist you with options that best fit your needs and budget.
How long will it take to get my hair system?
Most orders will be completed in approximately 6 weeks from the design date. We do have stock items that can be customized for most clients. These systems are also more budget friendly.
Do you use human or synthetic hair?
We design systems with human hair with color blends and texture that exactly matches your own natural hair.
Why do I need two systems?
We recommend that all customers have two systems. This insures that you will always have one to wear while the other is being repaired or serviced. From time to time, you may require a hair addition, color treatment or new front.
What is the lifespan of your hair systems?
This will vary for men and women. Men’s units are thin and tend to wear out more quickly. For women, the hair systems that we provide will last 2 to 3 years depending upon the client’s lifestyle, styling and maintenance techniques. Having two systems will generaly extend the life of the hair piece.
How do your units differ from ordinary hair pieces?
Hair quality from hair pieces you buy in a wig store or even in most salons will vary considerably. Hair that is improperly processed can wear out quickly, rapidly losing color, hair, and degrading in texture. Even custom ordered human hair that looks and feels great initially can rapidly degrade.
The hair we use is very durable and lasts a long time with proper care and maintenance. There won’t be split ends. All hair pieces will loose some hair over time that will need to be replaced. Color corrections will need to be done occasionally but it’s a very easy process.
What type of attachment methods do you use?
We have different types of Tape Attachments, Perimeter Attaching Liquids & Gels, and all-over the scalp adhesives. The type of attachment will depend on the length of wear before removal, your activity level, the amount and density of hair, and the look and feel you want to achieve.
How long can my system stay on my head?
We prefer that clients come in for a monthly maintenance for best results. This assures that the system will always look clean and natural.
Will your hair systems look like my own hair?
Hair replacement technology has come a long way. The most important thing to remember is that we design and produce hair systems that look like your own hair. We offer solutions that are so natural looking that they are virtually undetectable. They can look like the hair is growing right out of your scalp.
Is my own hair color treatments included?
Hair salon services that include color and/or texture are an additional charge. These services allow us to match your own hair to the unit for the most natural look.